Friday, June 15, 2012

But How Much Will That Make?

This morning, I shoved the following into my juicer:
Wheatgrass (small plant’s worth)
Large Handful of Spinach 
1/3 of an English Cucumber   
1 grapefruit 
1 small beet 
1” of ginger 
2 apples
2 bunches of green grapes 
2 kiwis 
2 celery stalks 
2 Tbsp Chia Seeds  
3 carrots 
3 Kale stalks 
6 Mint Leaves 
I’ve been asked a couple times this week - but how much juice will all of that make?   1.5 liters is the answer (for this particular juice).   It will vary depending on the juice content of your produce.  This gave me breakfast and two jars for lunch.

Here is the amazing part.   Here’s what this juice is doing for my body -   I’m renewing my blood cells, fighting cancer, balancing my blood sugar, taking in multiple vitamins and minerals I need to have a well functioning body, REDUCING INFLAMMATION, PREVENTING MIGRAINES, improving digestion, protecting my body from free radicals, improving my skin, hair and nails, strengthening my heart which cuts my risk of heart disease in half, cleansing my kidneys and my liver, removing built up metals in my body, lowering my blood pressure, fighting against Alzheimer's and dementia, strengthening my bones, fighting breast cancer, lowering my LDL cholesterol, fighting insomnia, strenghtening my immune system, calming my nervous system, preventing acne and anemia, fighting congestion caused by allergies and asthma, eliminating water retention (hence the incessant peeing), normalizing my body temperature, preventing cataracts.......AND REDUCING CRAVINGS!!!
All of these juice ingredients do at LEAST one of the above actions.  Most of them do multiple things, so in some areas you’re getting hammered!!!   I looked up every single ingredient I put in that drink and copied the benefits of that particular ingredient AND I DIDN’T EVEN COPY THEM ALL!!!!   I don’t have that kind of time people.
Specifically - the Biggest Punch you're getting from dark green veggies, and why its important that THEY are the basis for your juicing and not pineapple... (something I have to discuss with DH and his need for cakejuice often.)
The power of sunshine in CHLOROPHYLL is wonderfully cleansing in the body. The greener the leaves, the more concentrated the amount of chlorophyll.
The reported health benefits from chlorophyll consumption are just too many. Taken consistently in sufficient amounts, here are some of the powerful remedial effects of this amazing substance:
  • Increases blood count
  • Detoxifies and cleansing
  • Alleviates blood sugar problems
  • Reduces or eliminates body odors
  • Relieves gastric ulcers
  • Greatly relieves respiratory troubles like asthma and sinuses
  • Kills bacteria in wounds and speeds up healing
  • Reduces inflammation pain
  • Improves bowel functions
  • Improves milk production in lactating mothers
  • Neutralizes free radicals and therefore aids in deterring some cancers.

Juicing is Kind of Amazing.  I knew I was doing my body a favor, but didn't realize just how much until I actually slacked off for the last few weeks.   I won't be doing that again.   So....why aren't you doing this yet?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Juicing for Specific Health Issues

If you've read my blog before, you know I juice to help my migraine situation (along with just wanting to put awesome things in my insides).   I also suffer from severe Endometriosis.   Since beginning my juicing journey in March, I have noticed a significant decrease in my symptoms.   Endometriosis is a disease caused by inflammation - as are SO many other conditions.   Juicing daily focusing on vegetables and fruits that reduce inflammation can help with so many disorders and conditions.  Not even focusing my juicing in that area has helped me tremendously.  

I've been a bad juicer and have slacked off way too much with my juicing in the month of May.  I am absolutely reaping what I sow too.  Less energy, SO MANY CRAVINGS!!  And my Endo symptoms were terrible this past week.  I'm a bit frustrated with my laziness, but am now paying for it, as well I should be!!   I will be restocking my fridge this evening and not just keeping the bare minimum on hand.

I wanted to share some links with you for juicing for different health conditions.   They are great resources to start to focus your juicing on something that might be bothering you, or you may find that someone else could/should benefit from the information.  I know I am!!

Why Should I Juice - and Specific Juicing Recipes for Health   This link has a great description of WHY you should juice (I get that question a lot), and some great focus recipes.

Specific Health Recipes for Conditions and Prevention

Extensive List of Juice Recipes for Health Conditions    (Even a juice for Low Libido in case you haven't read that book yet )

Immature snicker.

Fresh Juice - 1/Bottled Juice-0

Here is an excellent simply written article about why bottled juices (even the organic, super expensive kind) do not contribute to your daily fruit and vegetable intake.  Why they are NOT a substitute for your juicer.  The little effort it takes to juice make a very big difference!!!

Why Most Bottled Juices Do Not Contribute to Your Daily Fruit/Veggie Intake

She says to drink the juice straight from your juicer.  I'm pretty sure she doesn't mean that literally.......

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 341: Juice It, Dad - By Jason Good

Here is another one where he was introduced to juicing.  Kills me!!!  And he describes cleaning a centrifugal juicer - and hits the nail on the head about why I'm glad I don't have one!!!

Good times.

Day 341: Juice It, Dad

Easy There, Beet Juice - by Jason Good 365

I ADORED this blog posting - wanted to share it with all of you.

This post is why I ENCOURAGE you guys NOT to drink your juice quickly :)

Easy There, Beet Juice