It’s Monday. I’m not working on my regular work day. DH is off to his 24 hour shift again. What to do with my day? Oh yeah, buy a juicer and a UPS truck full of produce.
DH (i.e. Captain of Research) has spent numerous hours researching this juicing endeavor. What type of juicer is the best? How many watts? How many gears? Should it masticate? Centrificate? Gyrate? Well, it should make me some freaking juice, m’kay? So we have our little black hearts set on the one at Costco. Sunday night it was on their website. Monday afternoon? Notsomuch. So I call them up. No, sorry, we only carry the “notthekindyouwant” brand. So ladies and gents, I take to my apple product and start finding where I can get the one we want. I can have it delivered Wednesday via Amazon - but it’s a bit more spendy. DH is bummed as he was hoping to get this situation started.
So I take again to my apple product (I act like I actually stepped away from it) looking to go another way. I click on Bed, Bath and Beyond like any good married woman. I find what I’m looking for. And like any good friend of my BFF, I print my 20% off coupon before I leave to pick this motha up.
Post BB&B trip, I head to the store to fill my cart up with $50.00 worth of kale, cucumbers, apples, celery, lemons, limes, mint (weee!!!), ginger, carrots, oranges, spinach and kiwi. Pro-DUCE!
Upon my arrival home, I remove all the bubble wrap from our new contraption- for the record, it is the Omega 8005. No really, that’s its name. I’m not making that up. Pop a few bubbles because that’s what you do when confronted with bubble wrap. Wash said Omega. Assemble. (I will do this NUMEROUS times over the next several days.)
Stare at the bags and bags of Green Things on my counter. Where to begin!!!!! Well, the most obvious place to begin would be to make the juice that I saw on the documentary. iPhone? Please find me the Mean Green Juice recipe please. Oh, I don’t have Siri. Must type with fingers. Hold Please.
Mean Green Juice
Official recipe used by Joe Cross and Phil Staples according to the Reboot Program.
- 6 Kale Leaves
- 1 Cucumber
- 4 Celery Stalks
- 2 Green Apples
- ½ Lemon
- 1 piece of ginger
My Omega masticates and spits out some juice - quite a lot actually. And thank my LUCKY stars, I think it is amazing. I feel like this chick over it!!! (Except my juice was green, and I have brown hair, and I wasn't naked.) Heck, if I looked like this chick, I probably wouldn't be DOING this.......
I have read endless (not really) reviews, and people are mixed (really). If you don’t like ginger, then you’re going to be one of the disappointed. Poor Poor Poor DH. He is one of the many who thinks Green Juice is vile. He struggles quite a bit to get his juices down. But he’s a trooper and gets them down eventually! Here is poor DH, compared to the happy lady above.
After I made the Mean Green, I looked at all the produce just hanging out on my counter. It was quite overwhelming actually. I decided to break it all down into juice recipes - or at least some of it. I knew that this would help DH out when he got home tomorrow and was faced with not eating. I grabbed some gallon baggies and went to town with juice recipes and my veggies. It was pretty fun getting all OCD about my juicing.
The end of Day 1 - I bought my juicer, had a juice, made enough to have for breakfast. I feel GREAT about my decision, and am looking forward to this liquification! ***the juice fasting - not what happens during an earthquake!!!
Weight = I’m not going to TELL you that!!!!
Detox symptoms - None yet, I think I was too excited to notice.
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